Saturday, September 17, 2011

Cobra - 1, Job Search - 0

So Eric is finally finished the book!  I know, I know it's very difficult to believe, but this time I think it's true!  So that was as of Thursday.  On Friday he got a job.  Not the job he wants.  A job he is settling for.  But a job with a regular paycheck on a regular payday. 

He had to ask himself if being unemployed but holding strong to his dreams was better than working a menial job with a regular pay.  Which one would crush his emotional being more?  I suggested he take the menial job and continue to look for the job of his dreams.  Only he can determine if he's going to get into a rut and stay there.

I know I'm more optimistic (What, you say?  Not like me, I know) about all of this than he is, but I'm so glad he was only 'unemployed' for a day.  That's exciting.  Especially in today's times.  And just the job search alone can crush one's soul. 

So congratulations honey!!!  You're going to be great in whatever you do!

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